English version further down
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Flere frivillige er allerede er i fuld sving med at måle støjen på Amager. Men vi har brug for endnu flere hænder for at få et mere detaljeret billede af støjniveauet på Amager på de lokationer, der er angivet på billedet ovenfor i løbet af februar 2025. Vil du hjælpe til?
Formålet med at indsamle data om trafik og byrum er at skabe et datagrundlag, som kan anvendes i forbindelse med udarbejdelsen en ny lokal trafikplan for Amager. De indsamlede data vil blive brugt til analyser mm. og vil blive offentliggjort både som datasæt til fri anvendelse af alle og af Amager Vest Lokaludvalgs trafikgruppen.
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English version: hELP COLLECT NOISE DATA
Several volunteers are already at work measuring the noise on Amager. But we need even more hands to get a more detailed picture of the noise level on Amager on the locations indicated on the picture above during February 2025. Would you like to help?
The purpose of collecting data on traffic and urban space is to create a data base that can be used in connection with the preparation of a new local traffic plan for Amager. The collected data will be used for analyses etc. and will be published both as a dataset for free use by everyone and by the Amager Vest Local Committee traffic group.
Miljøpunkt Amager is participating in an EU project called GREENGAGE, which focuses on how citizens can engage in the collection of local data. This project provides opportunities to collaborate with universities and other organizations working on citizen participation, data, and green transitions. We are using this opportunity to collect valuable and relevant data for Amager’s local traffic plan.
Do you have any question? Send an email to
Har du lyst til at hjælpe med at indsamle støjdata?
Appen til dataindsamling er kun kompatibel med IOS, så det eneste krav er, at du har en mobiltelefon der understøtter dette.
Hvordan indsamler man data? Se guiden nedenfor:
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Will you help collect data?
The app for collection data is only compatible with IOS, thus the only requirement is that you have a phone that supports this.
How to collect data? Look at the guide below:
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